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1999 SuperStats |
Post-Italian GP Edition. Compilation by Rory Gordon, Australia |
The Superstats is an on-going project that attempts to classify various performances throughout an F1 season by, generally, averaging each race's performance, in several categories, over the entire season.
Conceived as the SuperGrid by the late John Taylor for Autocourse, I started my own compilations when Taylor died. Originally, the SuperStats - as the project was to become - was developed purely for my own interest. This has not changed, and the day I get bored with the SuperStats, they will stop. All figures used in the SuperStats are based on the official FIA timing sheets and, where necessary, those sheets are deemed to be the final authority.
Teams This table shows some figures related to the overall performance of a team's drivers: average grid position; average finishing position; total laps completed; total laps led; and, total kilometres led. I think I use this phrase every time I look at "laps led" figures, but... it doesn't matter how many laps you lead, so long as you lead the last one.
Nationality The figures in this table show the drivers' performances by their nationality: average position on the Fridays; average grid position; average Warm-Up position; average finishing position; and, average racing time. Of course, where there is only one driver from a particular nation, these figures represent that driver's performance. On these figures, it would seem that British, German and Finnish drivers are currently dominating Formula One ... which would come as no surprise to anyone.
Races Finally, this table's figures are about each race: the average grid time; the average racing time; the total racing time; the average number of laps completed; and, the total number of laps completed at that race. Due to lack of space, there was no room to include the lap distances and the race distance in laps in this table, but these figures should be easily obtainable.
The raw data are copyright © 1999 F?d?ration de l'Automobile (2 Chemin Blandonnet, 1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland). These compilations are copyright © 1999 Rory Gordon. Reproduction in any form of these compilations is forbidden without the express permission of the compiler. The data are subject to revision. The compiler will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions. For any comments, please contact the compiler.
Rory Gordon |