Saturday March 3rd, 2001
Bernie Ecclestone's proposed sale of 75% of SLEC - the family trust which holds the commercial rights to the sport - has no foundations, according to a source in Melbourne.
A source from a leading team suggested that Ecclestone's 100-year contract with the FIA to the commercial rights has never been signed and scuppers EM.TV's and Kirch's plans for the future televising of the sport.
The Concorde Agreement between the teams, the promoters and the sport's governing body, the FIA, is due to run out at the end of the 2007 season.
Potentially, EM.TV and Kirch, who have the necessary funds needed to buy the 75% stake in SLEC, Ecclestone's holding which has the commercial rights, stand to own nothing when the Concorde Agreement expires.