Monday October 11th, 1999
Today was very relaxed for Eddie Irvine. The Ferrari driver is staying at the Thai beach resort of Phuket in what he admits is "one of the best hotels I've ever stayed in."
And even if he and his party did have a little rain today, the 30 degree heat and light breeze have kept spirits up.
Yesterday saw Eddie having a quiet meal in town followed today by a quiet morning. But then the tempo picked up a little with a three lap run around the perimeter of the hotel, which took half an hour, followed by an hour of tennis doubles - it was only when one of the other players began to flag that the game was abandoned, the score unknown!
Once again, Eddie is enjoying a quiet, relaxing evening prior to his last day in Phuket; Malaysia and the Sepang circuit await him and the penultimate round of the World Championship. But Eddie will already be acclimatised to the 30 degree heat that he's likely to find at Sepang - and now he's even had a preview of the daily afternoon rain shower that drenches Kuala Lumpur between two and four every afternoon!